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Neytra Eye Centre / Eyelid reconstruction and tumor management
Eyelid reconstruction and tumor management
Eyelid reconstruction and tumor management

What is an eye tumor?

Eye tumors as the name suggests, are tumors developed in the eyes and are also known as ocular tumors. It is the abnormal growth of cells and can be cancerous, malignant (cancerous), or benign (noncancerous).

What are the types of eye Tumors?

Skin cancers are very common in the eye and the treatment can be done by keeping in observation and providing medical attention by an oculoplastic surgeon for removal and eyelid reconstruction surgery.

Eyelid tumor

Malignant tumor – In this condition, the tissues surrounding the eyelid and the rest of the nerves attached to the eyelid are affected. If the tumor spreads in the eye this may lead to vision loss.
Benign tumor – This condition occurs when the tumor grows inside the eyelid. It can happen because of the abnormal growth of blood vessels inside or around the eye, called hemangiomas. Although it is non-cancerous, it can cause redness or vision changes.

Eye Tumor

Eye lymphoma – It is a type of malignant tumor which leads to redness in the eyes or decreased vision in the initial stage, and can also result in eye damage and blindness if not treated on time.
Ocular melanoma – It is a type of cancer that is common in adults which affects various parts of the eye including the vascular layer of the eye, iris, and ciliary body. It may lead to a change in the size of the pupil, dark spots on the iris, and blurred vision.
Retinoblastoma – It is the type of cancer that usually develops in children. This may cause blurred vision, bulging eyes, dark spots on the iris, pain in the eyes, etc.

Orbital Tumor

Lacrimal Gland Tumors – This condition occurs because of the enlargement of the lacrimal gland that leads to protrusion of the eyeball, which can cause vision loss.
Thyroid eye Tumor – Thyroid eye disease may occur in patients with thyroid disease which leads to watery eyes, redness in the eyes, bulging eyes, double vision, and issues while closing the eyes.

What is the treatment for eye tumors?

The treatment depends on the tumor and if there is any other affected area of the body. The ultimate aim of the best ophthalmologist is to save the vision of the person. Depending on your diagnosis the treatment is followed which may include eyelid reconstruction.

1.Surgery- It is quite a common process for the treatment of eye cancer. During surgery, the experienced ophthalmologist may remove parts of your eye depending on the result of diagnosis and the spread of the tumor. Surgical options include removal of the mass followed by surgical reconstruction.
2.Radiation therapy – This therapeutic technique is used by ophthalmologists to destroy cancer cells using high energy. This therapy continues for a few sessions over a period of time.
3.Laser therapy – In this therapy, the experts use lasers to shrink the tumors.

Why choose us?

Dr. Priyanka Singh provides the best treatment for Eyelid reconstruction and tumor management. She has years of expertise in performing the most complicated cases with ease. Neytra eye clinic will be a perfect choice for Eyelid reconstruction and tumor management.
