129, D Block, Saket, Near PVR Anupam, New Delhi -110017 +91-8920998456 / +91-9818036217 / 011 4076 9936
+(123) 1800-88-66 Mon - Fri: 9:00 am - 5:00 PM 34TH Avenue - New York, W2 3XE doc.priyankasingh@gmail.com neytra.eye@gmail.com
Neytra Eye Centre / Orbital disease
Orbital disease
Orbital disease

What are orbital diseases?

Orbit, Oculoplasty, Ocular Oncology & Ocular Prosthetic services, all come under the category of ophthalmology that handles the issues of eyelids, lacrimal drainage system, extraocular structures, orbit, and other ocular joints.

How are orbital diseases treated?

Orbital diseases may include both common and rare disorders, tumors, and infections. It can be performed with medical assistance like chemotherapy and radiation therapy. It is also treated surgically in case of tumors and the tissue is sent for biopsy and histopathological correlation. The cases of people suffering from thyroid-related orbitopathy are quite common.

Lacrimal Gland and orbital diseases

The lacrimal glands are a pair of exocrine glands that secrete lacrimal fluid in the surfaces of the conjunctiva and cornea of the eye. This fluid is important for the cleaning, nourishment, and lubrication of the eyes. It releases in form of tears in case of excess production. Dacryology, the branch of science dealing with the lacrimal system is mainly related to watering of the eyes and disorders of tear drainage. Any disorders affecting the lacrimal system will create a hindrance in the tear flow with infections (Dacryocystitis) and sometimes even orbital infections. Orbital diseases found in children can also be treated.

What are types of orbital disorders and Lacrimal tumors?

1. Orbital trauma – The orbit is composed of a complex bony structure with soft tissue lying beneath it that involves many important anatomical structures. Any type of injury or damage to these structures is orbital trauma. This condition occurs when a blunt object, which is equivalent
or greater in size than the orbital aperture, hits the eye suddenly and forcefully, causing a fracture of the orbital floor.
2. Orbital mass – In this case, a wide variety of space-occupying lesions is gathered over the orbit. Usually, CT and MR imaging are done to confirm the presence of a mass and understand up to what extent has it expanded. Benign congenital masses is a common type of orbital tumor found in children.
3. Thyroid Orbitopathy- In this case, the eye muscles, eyelids, tear glands, and fatty tissues present in the eye become inflamed causing irritation, swelling, redness, burning sensation, etc, thus making you feel uncomfortable
4. Facial Palsy – This is the damage caused in the facial nerve leading to weakening of facial muscles in the affected area. It causes problems in closing the eyelids leading to dryness, infection in the eye, and visual impairment.
5. Artificial Prosthetic Eye – Any Injury or certain disorders such as cancers can lead to loss or removal of an eye. The vision once lost, can’t be restored in this case but by customized artificial eyes called a prosthesis we can bring back the normal appearance of eyes.
7. Anophthalmic Socket – The term is usually defined for an orbit not containing an eyeball, i.e. it is composed of orbital soft tissues and eyelid structures.

What are the symptoms of orbital and lacrimal diseases?

  • Protrusion of eyes
  • Pain and redness in the eye
  • Loss of vision
  • Diplopia

What is the treatment for orbital and lacrimal diseases?

At Neytra eye clinic, we receive a number of cases consisting of both common and rare orbital disorders, lacrimal diseases, tumors, and infections. We have installed advanced equipment for any complicated surgical process like DCR or dacryocystorhinostomy, a procedure that is done by creating a new pathway through the nose using special endoscopes for the tear ducts if it is obstructed.
Oculoplasty – Many patients with a variety of eyelid disorders including benign and malignant eyelid tumors and other orbital disorders undergo oculoplastic surgery. As an experienced oculoplastic surgeon at Neytra eye clinic, Dr. Priyanka Singh managed to successfully treat a hundred cases of black fungus (orbital mucormycosis)
Ocular oncology – Adult and pediatric malignancies of eyelids, ocular surface, and orbit are diagnosed and treated accordingly. Surgery and radiotherapy sessions are given by the team of experts at Neytra Eye clinic for problems like orbital cancers, followed by regular checkup sessions as well.
Ocular Prosthetics – It is basically the placement of fake eyes to improve the appearance of people who have lost their eyes because of injury or any other disease. The surgery is of two types. In the case of enucleation which is the surgical process of eye removal, a silicone ball is implanted into the eye socket. An ocular prosthesis is placed in such a way that it fits in front of the implant and occupies the space between the eyelids and the conjunctiva. A silicone facial prosthesis can also be done for the patients who undergo exenteration which is a process for removal of orbital contents along with the eyeball for various oncological infections.

Why choose us?

Dr. Priyanka Singh gives the best orbital disease treatment in Saket. She holds a special degree, FAICO in Oculoplastic Surgery, and is committed to delivering the best ophthalmic care to all her patients. The above-mentioned advanced technology is used to treat the eyes of a patient under the supervision of a highly qualified and experienced doctor who will provide the best treatment for the orbital diseases of the eye.
