7 Top Tips to Protect Your Eyes This Summer

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7 Top Tips to Protect Your Eyes This Summer

  1. Wear quality sunglasses

 Invest in sunglasses that can protect your eyes from damage and ensure maximum UV protection. If your shades are not offering 100% protection against UVA and UVB rays, then there are high chances that they might be causing more significant harm than benefitting your eyes. UV rays can cause a variety of eye diseases, including photokeratitis and cataracts if your eyes aren’t protected from the sun’s rays. Don’t forget to wear your sunglasses on cloudy days.


  1. Use hats when out in the sun

 Wear a wide-brimmed hat or cap so that it blocks most of the rays of the sun and shade your eyes from the sun. Remember that even if it’s cloudy or overcast outside, the sun’s harmful rays can still penetrate through the clouds and cause damage to your eyes.


  1. Avoid looking directly at the sun

 When the sun’s UV rays enter your eyes, they can form free radicals and harm your retinas, potentially causing a condition known as solar or photic retinopathy. Try to stay indoors during peak hours 12 pm-3 pm as this is the time when sun rays cause the most damage.


4.   Stay Hydrated and Eat Healthy

A healthy diet is essential for having clear vision. Include foods rich in Vitamin C, E, and zinc, which can help oppose macular degeneration and different indications of eye damage. They are also essential for good eyesight and keeping an eye out for vision issues. You can lower your risk of cataracts by in-taking vitamin C, for example. Lemons, oranges and carrots are good sources of this vitamin C. Drink at least 6-8 glasses of fresh water to stay hydrated. Apart from having a nutritious diet, getting a good night’s sleep ensures good care for the eyes.


5.   Use eye drops

Some people still experience eye pain or other major issues which directly or indirectly adversely affect their eyes, even after taking the best care of their eyes. In such conditions, the best way is to consult an eye specialist and take proper medication, which can help recover an individual from the eye issues he/she is facing.


6. Take a break

 While working on screens our eyes get tired and it leads to further eye conditions like weak eyesight myopia, and hypermetropia. So avoid stressing your eyes by following the 20 20 20 eye rule which is after every 20 minutes of working look 20 feet away for 20 seconds. It allows our eye muscles to relax after being subjected to prolonged screen time.


7. Sleep well

 We all can easily spot someone who did get enough sleep dark circles, puffy eyes, or drooping eyelids can be signs of a poor night’s sleep. Just as a healthy diet is very important a good night’s sleep of 6-8 hours is also needed. Regular lack of sleep can affect and result in dry, itchy, red eyes also called bloodshot eyes, and myokymia (eye twitching).

7 Top Tips to Protect Your Eyes This Summer

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